Sunday, November 1, 2009

HOMEWORK (30th, Oct)


1) literacy
means; the ability to read and write
situation; from TV (History program)

2) grease
means; animal fat or oily substance. in case of food, like a sauce.
situation; My host family asked me if I need grease to fish at dinner.

3) crush
means; to press or squeeze something.
situation; My host family said when she made a mush potate.

4) Can you do me a favor?
means; used to ask someone to do somothing. = "Can I ask you something?"
situation; My host faily told me when she wanted me to bring some paper.

5) drive O to ~
means; to take someone to anywhere by car.
situation; when my friend ask his host family to drive us to 6th street.

6) retailer
means; a person that sells good or products or item.
situation; from TV.

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