Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly Words#5

1) drainage
meanigs; a system of drains/the process by which water or liquid waste is drained.
situation; we can see it anywhere in Austin.

2) stingray
meanigs; a large wide flat sea fish. it has a long tail with a sharp sting.
situation; I was talking about fish which we can eat with host family.

3) THI (Temperature-Humidity-Index)
meanigs; a numerical number caluculated from temperature and humidity, and it shows how comfortable or uncomfortable of a day.
situation; my fost family said when it was rainy.

4) clammy
meanigs; slightly wet in an unpleasant way. damp, moist.
situation; same situation as 3).

5) fall for
meanigs; to be tricked into believing something that is not true.
situation; from textbook for TOEIC

6) plantain
meanigs; fruit like a large banana, but less sweet that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
situation; my host family cooked for me, but I don't like it.

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