Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Weekly Words #6

1) consul
meaning; a government official who is the representative of your country in a foreign city.
situation; My friend went there.

2) embassy
meaning; a group of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country
situation; My friend called there.

3) bluff
meaning; a steep cliff or slope, especially by the sea or a river.
situation; like Grand Canyon

4) erosion
meaning; the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by water, winds, etc.
situation; Grand Canyon is eroded by Colorado river.

5) gibberish
meaning; words that have no meaning or are impossible to understand
situation; I don't remember.

6) itinerary
meaning; a plan of a journey. including the route and the places that you visit.
situation; We get this for our journey to Las Vegas.

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