1) consul
meaning; a government official who is the representative of your country in a foreign city.
situation; My friend went there.
2) embassy
meaning; a group of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country
situation; My friend called there.
3) bluff
meaning; a steep cliff or slope, especially by the sea or a river.
situation; like Grand Canyon
4) erosion
meaning; the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by water, winds, etc.
situation; Grand Canyon is eroded by Colorado river.
5) gibberish
meaning; words that have no meaning or are impossible to understand
situation; I don't remember.
6) itinerary
meaning; a plan of a journey. including the route and the places that you visit.
situation; We get this for our journey to Las Vegas.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Weekly Words#5
1) drainage
meanigs; a system of drains/the process by which water or liquid waste is drained.
situation; we can see it anywhere in Austin.
2) stingray
meanigs; a large wide flat sea fish. it has a long tail with a sharp sting.
situation; I was talking about fish which we can eat with host family.
3) THI (Temperature-Humidity-Index)
meanigs; a numerical number caluculated from temperature and humidity, and it shows how comfortable or uncomfortable of a day.
situation; my fost family said when it was rainy.
4) clammy
meanigs; slightly wet in an unpleasant way. damp, moist.
situation; same situation as 3).
5) fall for
meanigs; to be tricked into believing something that is not true.
situation; from textbook for TOEIC
6) plantain
meanigs; fruit like a large banana, but less sweet that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
situation; my host family cooked for me, but I don't like it.
meanigs; a system of drains/the process by which water or liquid waste is drained.
situation; we can see it anywhere in Austin.
2) stingray
meanigs; a large wide flat sea fish. it has a long tail with a sharp sting.
situation; I was talking about fish which we can eat with host family.
3) THI (Temperature-Humidity-Index)
meanigs; a numerical number caluculated from temperature and humidity, and it shows how comfortable or uncomfortable of a day.
situation; my fost family said when it was rainy.
4) clammy
meanigs; slightly wet in an unpleasant way. damp, moist.
situation; same situation as 3).
5) fall for
meanigs; to be tricked into believing something that is not true.
situation; from textbook for TOEIC
6) plantain
meanigs; fruit like a large banana, but less sweet that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
situation; my host family cooked for me, but I don't like it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
News of Choice #8
Techno Toyota: 2010 Prius
This article says that Prius is praised by the author. His rules for the automobile industry is to never judge a new car based on the company's preview. In short, you can not know a real good point of car without riding on it. The author judged new prius to high quarity one.
I have driven prius only one time. The quarity very suprized me, so "Don't judge the book by the its cover!' Do you try to drive it!
This article says that Prius is praised by the author. His rules for the automobile industry is to never judge a new car based on the company's preview. In short, you can not know a real good point of car without riding on it. The author judged new prius to high quarity one.
I have driven prius only one time. The quarity very suprized me, so "Don't judge the book by the its cover!' Do you try to drive it!
News of Choice #7
Water Ice Hides In Moon's Dark craters
There are some water in the moon! NASA has new evidence that dark craters on the moon contain ice! A project to research existence of water in craters is called LCROSS mission. This mission sent a rocket to craters to crash and analyze dust and debris soaring up by explosion.
Yes. The moon is not dry completely.
I think this discover is very important. Because water is needed to existence of life. It might not be in the moon, but it might appear suddenly after a millions of years. Some commentator say that is great discovery too, and this evidence shows great potential for both space development and more terrestial problem solving.
I think so!
There are some water in the moon! NASA has new evidence that dark craters on the moon contain ice! A project to research existence of water in craters is called LCROSS mission. This mission sent a rocket to craters to crash and analyze dust and debris soaring up by explosion.
Yes. The moon is not dry completely.
I think this discover is very important. Because water is needed to existence of life. It might not be in the moon, but it might appear suddenly after a millions of years. Some commentator say that is great discovery too, and this evidence shows great potential for both space development and more terrestial problem solving.
I think so!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Weekly Words #4
1) off the wall
meaning; state that person or idea is out of common.
situation; My host family said.
2) colloquial
meaning; used in conversastion but not in formal speech.
situation; My host family said when I asked them if formal or informal.
3) bundle
meaning; something that is wrapped up. for example bundle of sticks.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
4) oil well
meaning; a hole made in the ground to obtain oil.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
5) swamp
meaning; an area of ground that is very wet or covered with water and in which plants or trees.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
6) fountain
meaning; a structure from which water is sent up into the air. We can see it in parkas or garden.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
meaning; state that person or idea is out of common.
situation; My host family said.
2) colloquial
meaning; used in conversastion but not in formal speech.
situation; My host family said when I asked them if formal or informal.
3) bundle
meaning; something that is wrapped up. for example bundle of sticks.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
4) oil well
meaning; a hole made in the ground to obtain oil.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
5) swamp
meaning; an area of ground that is very wet or covered with water and in which plants or trees.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
6) fountain
meaning; a structure from which water is sent up into the air. We can see it in parkas or garden.
situation; I saw the bundle of grass in the field on the way to Houston. Host family told me.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
News of Choice #6
The Dirt On Dust
Briefly speaking, quite a few dust exist around you. In this article two researchers study dust. They are interested in "Where does dust come from?" and "What is dust? Does it affect us?" I think that dust come from anywhere and kind of dust is difernt by place it comes from. So it's no use worrying about it because we can not see most floating dust. I'm glad not to be able to see tiny dust.
Briefly speaking, quite a few dust exist around you. In this article two researchers study dust. They are interested in "Where does dust come from?" and "What is dust? Does it affect us?" I think that dust come from anywhere and kind of dust is difernt by place it comes from. So it's no use worrying about it because we can not see most floating dust. I'm glad not to be able to see tiny dust.
News of Choice #5
Nov. 11, 1930: Einstein Gets Ice Cold
Nov, 11, 1930 is the date Einstein who is one of the greatist phisicist receive an American patent for a new kind of refrigerator. This mechanism is differnt from modern refrigerator. It doesn't need freon or electricity, so it uses ammonia, butane, and water instead. This idea is great for no freon and no electricity. However, Einstein's design isn't very efficient at cooling per unit of energy input. Now, other team is improving this system. I respect Einstein, I think this system is very nice, but if ammonia is used to refrigerator, I don't want to use it. I worry about heavy accident as the gas is leaked. Because ammonia is very dengerous chemical compound as everyone knows. Ammonia gas is very bad smell!!. Do you think so?
Nov, 11, 1930 is the date Einstein who is one of the greatist phisicist receive an American patent for a new kind of refrigerator. This mechanism is differnt from modern refrigerator. It doesn't need freon or electricity, so it uses ammonia, butane, and water instead. This idea is great for no freon and no electricity. However, Einstein's design isn't very efficient at cooling per unit of energy input. Now, other team is improving this system. I respect Einstein, I think this system is very nice, but if ammonia is used to refrigerator, I don't want to use it. I worry about heavy accident as the gas is leaked. Because ammonia is very dengerous chemical compound as everyone knows. Ammonia gas is very bad smell!!. Do you think so?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Weekly Words
Weekly Words
1) administration
mean; the govermentof a country. the activities that are done in order to plan or organize.
situation; from radio
2) ministration
mean; to help for especially when they are ill/sick or in trouble
situation; from radio
3) brisket
mean; meat that comes from chest of an animal especially a cow
situation; I don't remember.
4) souvenior
mean; a thing that you buy for someone and/or keep to remind yourself when you go to trip.
situation; My friends used this word.
5) so far
mean; until now.up to this point. ex) So far we have quite successful.
situation; my friend who is native American used.
6) sucker
mean; a person who is easily tricked
situation; from TV
1) administration
mean; the govermentof a country. the activities that are done in order to plan or organize.
situation; from radio
2) ministration
mean; to help for especially when they are ill/sick or in trouble
situation; from radio
3) brisket
mean; meat that comes from chest of an animal especially a cow
situation; I don't remember.
4) souvenior
mean; a thing that you buy for someone and/or keep to remind yourself when you go to trip.
situation; My friends used this word.
5) so far
mean; until now.up to this point. ex) So far we have quite successful.
situation; my friend who is native American used.
6) sucker
mean; a person who is easily tricked
situation; from TV
Thursday, November 5, 2009
News of Choice
Darwin’s Wolf Mystery Solved
link; http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/11/darwins-wolf/
This article is taiked about Falkland Islands Wolf.
It was mystery that what is the originthis of this wolves
since young Charles Darwin descovered it.
Fox? Dog? Wolf?
Current Biology, researchers address these questions with a genetic analysis.
The animals closest relative is the maned wolf.
Progress of science helps us to know the new information.
link; http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/11/darwins-wolf/
This article is taiked about Falkland Islands Wolf.
It was mystery that what is the originthis of this wolves
since young Charles Darwin descovered it.
Fox? Dog? Wolf?
Current Biology, researchers address these questions with a genetic analysis.
The animals closest relative is the maned wolf.
Progress of science helps us to know the new information.
News of Choice
David Chang's Ramen: Not Your Average Noodle
limk; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120012206
I was attracted by familiar word. It is "Ramen".
Is there anyone who knows Ramen?
It is a Japanese noodole (= broth + noodles + meat + toppings and garnishes) came from China.
This article said that David Chang who is chef made a great Ramen in New York.
His Ramen is not what most Americans think Ramen should be.
He was suprised at the difference between Ramen in America and in Japan,
and he made it in New York.
I love Ramen! But instant one is not real Ramen.
Especially American one is different from Japan.
It's You who think that Ramen is just instant noodle sold in super market!!
Try to eat Ramen Chang's restrant in New York or in Japan!!
limk; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120012206
I was attracted by familiar word. It is "Ramen".
Is there anyone who knows Ramen?
It is a Japanese noodole (= broth + noodles + meat + toppings and garnishes) came from China.
This article said that David Chang who is chef made a great Ramen in New York.
His Ramen is not what most Americans think Ramen should be.
He was suprised at the difference between Ramen in America and in Japan,
and he made it in New York.
I love Ramen! But instant one is not real Ramen.
Especially American one is different from Japan.
It's You who think that Ramen is just instant noodle sold in super market!!
Try to eat Ramen Chang's restrant in New York or in Japan!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
HOMEWORK (30th, Oct)
1) literacy
means; the ability to read and write
situation; from TV (History program)
2) grease
means; animal fat or oily substance. in case of food, like a sauce.
situation; My host family asked me if I need grease to fish at dinner.
3) crush
means; to press or squeeze something.
situation; My host family said when she made a mush potate.
4) Can you do me a favor?
means; used to ask someone to do somothing. = "Can I ask you something?"
situation; My host faily told me when she wanted me to bring some paper.
5) drive O to ~
means; to take someone to anywhere by car.
situation; when my friend ask his host family to drive us to 6th street.
6) retailer
means; a person that sells good or products or item.
situation; from TV.
1) literacy
means; the ability to read and write
situation; from TV (History program)
2) grease
means; animal fat or oily substance. in case of food, like a sauce.
situation; My host family asked me if I need grease to fish at dinner.
3) crush
means; to press or squeeze something.
situation; My host family said when she made a mush potate.
4) Can you do me a favor?
means; used to ask someone to do somothing. = "Can I ask you something?"
situation; My host faily told me when she wanted me to bring some paper.
5) drive O to ~
means; to take someone to anywhere by car.
situation; when my friend ask his host family to drive us to 6th street.
6) retailer
means; a person that sells good or products or item.
situation; from TV.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
HOMERORK (29th, Oct)
Google changes to aid music searchs
link ; http://www.edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/10/28/google.music/index.html
How do you do when you want to search a music you don't remember the name of a song or artist?
Maybe you have a trouble.
In the near future you will be able to find the music by internet.
So you will not need to know much about song.
If only you enter some fragments of the words,
you can get the music form direct link of commercial sites that offer songs for sale.
Now this service is only America, I want Google to improve this system as we can use all over the world.
It is best that we can search not only a music, but also a picture.
link ; http://www.edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/10/28/google.music/index.html
How do you do when you want to search a music you don't remember the name of a song or artist?
Maybe you have a trouble.
In the near future you will be able to find the music by internet.
So you will not need to know much about song.
If only you enter some fragments of the words,
you can get the music form direct link of commercial sites that offer songs for sale.
Now this service is only America, I want Google to improve this system as we can use all over the world.
It is best that we can search not only a music, but also a picture.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
HOMEWORK (23th, Oct)
List 6 new words
1) lazy
meanings ; Unwilling to work or be active.
situation ; My host familly said in the joke "I am lazy today." in the Sunday mornig.
2) have a tan
meanings ; To become brown skin as a result of spending time in the sun.
situation ; My host family said after coming home from six flags.
3) vomit
meanings ; To bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth.
situation ; After riding roller coster
4) ahead/be leading
meanings ; Winning of the game.
situation ; watching American football on TV.
5) underworld
meanings ; This people and activities involved in crime in a perticular place.
situation ; Music from radio.
6) democracy
meanings ; A system of government in which all the people of a country can vote
to elect their representatives.
situation ; From TV NEWS program.
1) lazy
meanings ; Unwilling to work or be active.
situation ; My host familly said in the joke "I am lazy today." in the Sunday mornig.
2) have a tan
meanings ; To become brown skin as a result of spending time in the sun.
situation ; My host family said after coming home from six flags.
3) vomit
meanings ; To bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth.
situation ; After riding roller coster
4) ahead/be leading
meanings ; Winning of the game.
situation ; watching American football on TV.
5) underworld
meanings ; This people and activities involved in crime in a perticular place.
situation ; Music from radio.
6) democracy
meanings ; A system of government in which all the people of a country can vote
to elect their representatives.
situation ; From TV NEWS program.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The article I chose
"The 27-Inch iMac Is the New Apple TV"
link ; http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/10/the-27-imac-is-the-new-apple-tv/
summary and reaction;
New Apple iMac with 27-inch display will be out;$1700.
Apple has alreday 30-inch chinema display;$1800.
However, the new iMac is a good enough horizontal resolution
because both have the same horizontal resolution of 2560 pixels.
And When you think the new iMac become too slow,
you can use as a great TV.
So youcan save $100 by buying the new iMac.
I think the new iMac is better than 30-inch's.
But I don't need this because I have already gotten a new PC just 6 moth ago.
"The 27-Inch iMac Is the New Apple TV"
link ; http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/10/the-27-imac-is-the-new-apple-tv/
summary and reaction;
New Apple iMac with 27-inch display will be out;$1700.
Apple has alreday 30-inch chinema display;$1800.
However, the new iMac is a good enough horizontal resolution
because both have the same horizontal resolution of 2560 pixels.
And When you think the new iMac become too slow,
you can use as a great TV.
So youcan save $100 by buying the new iMac.
I think the new iMac is better than 30-inch's.
But I don't need this because I have already gotten a new PC just 6 moth ago.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Today's homework
'Why do you think Maximus picked up the dirt?
What is the meaning og his action?'
I think that he prayed for victory and recalled when he had been a farmer by picking up the durt.
In my opinion his action means strong-will to survive.
'Why do you think Maximus picked up the dirt?
What is the meaning og his action?'
I think that he prayed for victory and recalled when he had been a farmer by picking up the durt.
In my opinion his action means strong-will to survive.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Nice to meet you!
My name is Takahiro Suda. Call me Taka.
I'm from Tokyo in Japan.
I came Austin last Monday. I will stay here for two month.
In Japan I am an office woker of mining company.
I like music and watching movie.
I want to talk to you about your contry.
Thank you. See you.
My name is Takahiro Suda. Call me Taka.
I'm from Tokyo in Japan.
I came Austin last Monday. I will stay here for two month.
In Japan I am an office woker of mining company.
I like music and watching movie.
I want to talk to you about your contry.
Thank you. See you.
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